"Helping you to be the person God wants you to be"

Greetings in the matchless Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ!




Union Chapel Missionary Baptist Church of Anguilla, MS, is a bible centered and a spirit led church serving God through Jesus Christ and guided by the Holy Spirit. It is our heart's desire to do the will of God, nothing more, nothing less, nothing else. We are a mission minded church (Matthew 28:19-20). We want to have an increasing part in the spread of the gospel "Unto the uttermost parts of the earth" and win the lost to Christ in our town as well. We hope you will visit us when you are in the Mississippi Delta.

Have a Blessed Day!!!


Union Chapel Missionary Baptist Church

Pastor Frederick Jackson

1913 Front Street

Anguilla, MS 38721

E-mail: unionchapelmissions@yahoo.com


    Service Times 

                Sunday School.........................................................9:30 AM        

     Sunday Worship............................................1st Sunday 11:00 AM

                                                                   2nd Sunday 11:00 AM

       Tuesday Night Bible Study............................................ 7:00 PM



JOIN US for our worship services to feel the power of the Holy Spirit as we worship together in truth and in spirit through prayer, music and powerful messages.


Union Chapel Missionary Baptist Church believes that worshiping God is our first priority.  It’s a special time when we come together to praise and adore Him.


